
All activities in the kindergarten (age 3 to 5 years) are premised on the belief that children are active subjects, involved in constant interactions with their peers, the adults around them and their surroundings.

The workshops we offer aim to arouse the child’s curiosity in a nurturing environment in which they are encouraged to explore and experiment. Through balanced and careful guidance which is both sensitive to and sees the value in so-called “errors”, the educators steer the children towards an increased awareness of themselves and their resources, to develop an ability to adapt to reality and to respect, control, and modify it as they begin to construct their own personal story.

Our kindergarten  uses all available tools and methods to help orient, sustain and steer the development and learning of the children.  In this sense, stimulating general abilities, being able to assimilate and process information while having materials to manipulate, explore and sort, trigger a sequence of opportunities and situations which allow the children to acquire greater confidence.

In addition to the standard school subjects, at our kindergarten ample space is given to recreational play which inspires the children’s imagination and creativity.  By recognizing and welcoming the children’s interests and inclinations, the educators steer the little ones towards activities which allow them to best develop their potential: music, dance, theatre, painting, gardening, information technology (“B@by Click” project). On our baby farm, the children receive a monthly visit from rabbits, hens, and other gentle animals.

In collaboration with Scuola Donna Olimpia in Rome, every week the children enjoy “Musica Kindergarten”, an educational methodology combining music and movement as a means of expression for neonatal and preschool children.

A special emphasis is placed on foreign languages. Our kindergarten is trilingual and the children develop an ear for English and French from an early age. The language teacher is always in the school and speaks constantly with the children in a foreign language, is by their side as they play and take part in activities during the day, including routine ones, thanks to the mother-tongue teachers and collaboration with English Academy of Acting in Rome.

Le Fate Turchine was recognized as a Hocus & Lotus excellent school  for our method of teaching foreign languages to children.

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